Interview Magazine Oct. 1972 - Michael Jackson cover, signed by Andy Warhol
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Interview Magazine Oct. 1972 - Michael Jackson cover, signed by Andy Warhol

Gay Semiotics: A Photographic Study of Visual Coding Among Homosexual Men IMG_5927+GAY+SEMIOTICS.jpg

Gay Semiotics: A Photographic Study of Visual Coding Among Homosexual Men

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AREA and Interview Magazine Valentines Day invite 1985


Classical American Graffiti Writers and High Graffiti Writers 1984

Andy Warhol Harlot Screening Flyer. 1965

Andy Warhol Harlot Screening Flyer. 1965

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The Bangy Book

Cocaine Consumers Handbook with Casette

Cocaine Consumers Handbook with Casette

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Disco Dance with DJ Charles G. 1983 flyer

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Women's Crisis Center flyer

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The Butch Manual

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David Copperfield Grand Canyon Levitation premiere at LimeLight

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Cafe Lehmitz

Bruce Weber - Calvin Klein Jeans lookbook 1991 IMG_9965+Calvin+Klein.jpg
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Bruce Weber - Calvin Klein Jeans lookbook 1991

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Boy's Own Fanzine

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East Village 85: A Guide. A Documentary

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i-D magazine No 4 1981

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Nan Goldin - The Ballad of Sexual Dependency screening invite 1985

Hal Fischer - 18th near Castro Street x 24 IMG_4820.jpg
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Hal Fischer - 18th near Castro Street x 24

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Nan Goldin - The Ballad of Sexual Dependency 1988 Opening Invite

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Art & Commerce at AREA Nightclub invite

AREA Nightclub invitation for Marisol cocktail reception. 1984
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AREA Nightclub invitation for Marisol cocktail reception. 1984

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Merce Cunningham Chanterelle Menu

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Tee Shirts are Tacky

Raymond Pettibon - Black Flag live at On Broadway, 1982
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Raymond Pettibon - Black Flag live at On Broadway, 1982

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Studio 54 Complimentary Admission card

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AREA Complimentary Admission card

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Studio 54 unused matchbook

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Studio 54 VIP Complimentary Drink Ticket

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Beautiful Men

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Jean Paul Gaultier Look-alike Contest at Palladium Invite

Cocaine Consumer's Handbook IMG_3331.jpg
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Cocaine Consumer's Handbook

Raymond Pettibon - You are Necessary / Black Flag at Devonshire Downs 1981
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Raymond Pettibon - You are Necessary / Black Flag at Devonshire Downs 1981

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Keith Haring - NY for NY 1985

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Andy Warhol - The Moderna Museet Exhibition Catalogue

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Studio 54 VIP Drink Ticket

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Raymond Pettibon - Life is a Joke! 1982

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The Bikeriders

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Boy's Own Fanzine

Radical Software Vol. 2 No. 5 Photo+2022-06-22%2C+1+09+09+PM+%285%29.jpg
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Radical Software Vol. 2 No. 5

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The Gay Picturebook

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Black Panther Party - Cisco Kidd Pig Rizzo Oinks Again!

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The Ballad of Sexual Dependency - Nan Goldin

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Joy Division & New Order: A History in Cuttings

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Studio 54 VIP drink ticket

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Playboy - Braille Edition - September 1980

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Playboy - Braille Edition - October 1980

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Lawrence Weiner - New Order Substance 1987 Poster
