Pendulum Music (Steve Reich) / Lead Shot (Richard Serra)

Pendulum Music (Steve Reich) / Lead Shot (Richard Serra)
2 for the price of 1 right here.
This double-sided sheet was initially included as an insert in the Fluxus issue of Aspen magazine.
This sheet features written instructions for performing Pendulum Music (For Microphones, Amplifiers Speakers and Performers), an early Reich composition that consisted of microphones suspended above amplifiers at different lengths generating feedback loops that shift and phase. Printed in Reich’s handwriting.
The other side features written instructions for Richard Serra’s early conceptual piece Lead Shot in which a quantity of molten lead is dropped from an airplane. While descending, it forms a spherical mass and the piece is what forms when the lead hits the Earth’s surface. Printed in Serra’s handwriting.
A great, early document of both artists’ careers and fantastic documentation of conceptual art that displays incredibly well. Either side would look great framed.